Hi everybody!
My oh my, it's the day after Thanksgiving, and I just got into the factory to help handle orders received, ship them out, then we all take the rest of the day off and finish the holiday weekend! Nice.
I've been tasked this time around to do our newsletter, and now is a great time. It's cold outside, nice and warm inside, and that easy quiet in the early morning. You know that feeling? Great time to do a newsletter, and then work on shipment fulfillment.
Did you know?
Of course, we love our soap craft of the finest sulfur soaps in the world. Truly.
But did you know that we are also a private third party manufacturer for some leading brands of body and hand creams? We just make the cream based on the recipes and special ingredients, and the brands use their jars and labels to then retail and distribute themselves.
We decided to go ahead and offer our own lotions directly to our customers through the internet. No need for markup at the retail level. So just like our soap, direct to customer!
Here are samples of four of our own new releases:
How to find them? Lots of ways. For example, the Mitesil Sulfur Cream is available at www.Mitesil.com
... also, you may not be aware, but most all of our products are indeed on Amazon.com
We have about 8 pages that we offer on Amazon. And many of those are stocked in Amazon warehouses around the USA, that Amazon fulfills directly themselves. So we manufacture, and Amazon ships them.
Want to see? Below is the link: -make sure to click on all the 8 pages to view all the choices! ;)
Link to our Amazon product offerings, click here!
If you wish to purchase any items directly from us, instead of through Amazon, just send us an email, no worries if you can't figure out how to do it. We can send you a special package price via PayPal or other means.
Anyways, that's it for this edition of the newsletter. Any topics you'd like to see for next editions, please let us know!
sulfursoap@gmail.com is the best email to reach us!
Have a happy day!
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